Ed Burke, makes judges, wife, Anne Burke Illinois supreme court justice, covers up judicial criminal activity
a failure in Gods test
Did this law school burn down my house, try to kill me?
Did Madigan do this?
Did Burke do this?
All I want is truth and honesty. Every one is trying to destroy me, because I want to save this country, this society, from certain death. Killing me, wiping me off the face of the earth, wont change a thing.
This is not going to change a thing. I will continue to help (if possible) however/whoever I can. I will continue to give, love, share, be neighborly and maybe, just maybe, I will win. People may follow suite, wars might stop, killing might stop, people might start to love and respect each other.
The path of self destruction is not a good thing.
If you don't know what honor or moral values are..... look it up in the dictionary. It's a good thing.
which one is his wife?
tired, a very tuff day, Immigration letting her know, her life is not even worth spit
Schwantz and his goon squad of cops
.Honor or Honour (see spelling differences), (from the Latin word honos, honoris) is the evaluation of a person's trustworthiness and social status based on that individual's espousals and actions. Honour is deemed exactly what determines a person's character: whether or not the person reflects honesty, respect, integrity, or fairness. Accordingly, individuals are assigned worth and stature based on the harmony of their actions, code of honour, and that of the societyat large. Honour can be analysed as a relativistic concept, i.e., conflicts between individuals and even cultures arising as a consequence of material circumstance and ambition, rather than fundamental differences in principle. Alternatively, it can be viewed as nativist — that honour is as real to the human condition as love, and likewise derives from the formative personal bonds that establish one's personal dignity and character..
a lost cause
catch a cop, in a, rape, murder, bribe, dealing drugs, any thing, like I did, report it, only to have a cover up of biblical proportions and have Illinois Attorney General Madigan, Cook County State Attorney Alvarez, the judicary, Senator Burris and Durbin's approval (about 4k other also).
A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and
Independence of the Judiciary
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance
of Impropriety in All of the Judge's Activities
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Perform the Duties of Judicial
Office Impartially and Diligently
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge May Engage in Activities to Improve the Law,
the Legal System, and the Administration of Justice
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Regulate His or Her Extrajudicial Activities
to Minimize the Risk of Conflict With the Judge's
Judicial Duties
Nonjudicial Compensation and Annual
Statement of Economic Interests
A Judge or Judicial Candidate Shall Refrain
From Inappropriate Political Activity
not here with Scotillo.....NWSBA member When Tatooles was president? Tatooles brother mayor? Tatooles running for elected office?
how could I make such statements, blogs, while I was property ofScotillo? a dog, on a Scotillo leash?
I think a 5th grader could prove my case to a jury
where is the honor in obstructing justice?
rules of professional conduct of 2010
A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and
Independence of the Judiciary
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance
of Impropriety in All of the Judge's Activities
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Perform the Duties of Judicial
Office Impartially and Diligently
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge May Engage in Activities to Improve the Law,
the Legal System, and the Administration of Justice
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Regulate His or Her Extrajudicial Activities
to Minimize the Risk of Conflict With the Judge's
Judicial Duties
Nonjudicial Compensation and Annual
Statement of Economic Interests
A Judge or Judicial Candidate Shall Refrain
From Inappropriate Political Activity
not here with Scotillo.....NWSBA member When Tatooles was president? Tatooles brother mayor? Tatooles running for elected office?
how could I make such statements, blogs, while I was property ofScotillo? a dog, on a Scotillo leash?
I think a 5th grader could prove my case to a jury
where is the honor in obstructing justice?
rules of professional conduct of 2010